Smart Alpha Portfolios for big success
Don't be left out. Invest like a hedge fund or managed fund.
Copy trade our Smart Volatility ETF portfolios with promising potential.
Unlock the Power of Smart Investing
We believe in data-driven, methodical trading strategies. Our approach is rooted in statistics and probabilities, not hype or emotion. We are not stock market gurus with crystal ball predictions. Instead, we offer a transparent, reliable, and research-driven portfolios.
We designed three strategic portfolios, each tailored to different risk levels. Whether you prefer a low-, medium-, or high-volatility approach, we have a portfolio for you. Follow one, two, or all three to match your investment style.
Each month, we review the composition of each portfolio and make adjustments based on various factors embedded in our strictly mechanical approach. You’ll receive monthly commentary with all the updates to the portfolios. Through your preferred broker, you decide whether you want to act on the changes, allowing you a full control over your investments. This way you become an informed investor.
Smart Volatility ETF Portfolios Performance
Backtesting Results 2015-2023
How it works
Choose the Portfolio(s): Select one or more portfolios to track based on your risk tolerance.
Copy Trade: At your own discretion, replicate the composition of your chosen portfolio(s) through your preferred broker.
Stay Updated: Receive monthly commentary and make necessary adjustments.
Grow Your Wealth: Watch your investments grow over time.
Get Support: Ask questions whenever you have any questions.
Why join our Waitlist?
Joining our waitlist ensures you’re among the first to access our service. Here’s why you should sign up:
Full Transparency: We provide a detailed commentary with all trades taken by us.
Flexible Risk Tolerance: Choose the portfolio that matches your comfort level.
Full Control: You decide the trades, putting you in charge of your investments.
Master the Markets: Gain confidence and knowledge in trading.
No Managed or Performance Fees: Just a simple monthly fee to follow us.
Frequently asked questions
What are Smart Volatility ETF portfolios?
Our Smart Volatility ETF portfolios are carefully constructed using statistical and probability-based methodologies. We developed three portfolios, each designed for different risk levels: low-, medium-, and and high-volatility. We trade them and we simply share any trade adjustments we make to them so you can benefit.
You will be able to track the performance of the portfolios within our platform once we launch.
How does your service work?
We share the trades we make within our three Smart Volatility ETF portfolios. Each month, we review and adjust these portfolios as necessary, providing you with a detailed summary of any updates. You'll be able to track the performance of the portfolios, view the adjustments, and act on them as you see fit. Think of us as your trading buddy.
What makes up our Smart Volatility ETF portfolios?
Our Smart Volatility ETF portfolios are composed of ETFs carefully selected through our process. We continuously update our universe of ETFs to ensure optimal performance. On average, each portfolio holds around 10 ETFs, carefully curated to align with our strategic objectives.
Do you trade on my behalf?
No, we are neither a brokerage nor a financial advisor. We simply share the trades we make within our proprietary portfolios. You can choose at your own discretion whether to replicate these trades through your preferred broker.
You have complete control over your trades. You decide which portfolio to follow and when to make adjustments based on the updates we provide.
How can I contact you?
If you have any questions, please contact us at Thank you.
What Will the Subscription Plan Offer?
Our subscription plan will provide access to our platform where you can track the performance of our portfolios and view useful metrics. You will receive monthly commentary with any necessary updates to keep your portfolio optimized. Additionally, we may send out sporadic updates throughout the month to keep you informed of any important changes or opportunities.
How much does it cost?
Once we launch, there will be a monthly or annual fee to follow our trades. Simple and transparent.
Who are we?
We are a team of stock market nerds dedicated to analyzing trends and sharing our insights through this service.
What are you waiting for?
There's no better time to take control of your investment portfolio. Once launched, our portfolios will guide you through your investment journey. And the best part? You will be your own portfolio manager!